Making a Meal of it - IMMA

In 2025, Household was invited by the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin to curate an event to mark the closing of their summer programme More Than One Maker.

More Than One Maker shares incentives that bring art practitioners, cultural collaborators and communities together to make and activate art projects. Whether created by an artist or a collective, this exhibition uses multiple discourses to stimulate ideas of kinship, agency, utopianism, peer to peer learning and an appreciation for collaborative networks and vision. Read more about it here.i

Household’s contribution, Making a Meal of It, consisted of a food-based event at the museum during which we introduced and discussed some of our – and our guests – current research and projects whist collaboratively preparing a number of dishes. The dinner was attended by members of the public and some of the artists and curators involved in More Than One Maker.

Photos courtesy of Fiona Morgan. Read our reflections published in the IMMA magazine here


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