Visual Arts Workers Forum 2015

Household was invited to attend the fourth Visual Arts Workers Forum, hosted by Ormston House in Limerick on the 30th May 2015.

Co-Directors Ciara Hickey and Alissa Kleist spoke during Session 2: ‘The Inclusion Delusion?’. Their presentation addressed this sessions themes: What are the presuppositions, values, aims and blindspots associated with the language of inclusion? What happens when we fail to think about the unintended consequences of including those who were previously excluded? Is there an implicit ideal of ‘normality’ at play? Does the concept of inclusion foreclose interrogation of patterns of privilege and power?

Speakers in the session also included Nora O’Murchú (Curator & Lecturer, University of Limerick) & Aislinn O’Donnell (Lecturer in Philosophy of Education, Mary Immaculate College, UL) and was chaired by Mary Conlon (Director, Ormston House).

The Visual Arts Workers Forum is for visual arts workers in Ireland – artists, art writers, art students, curators, art historians, educators, arts officers, private gallerists, art technicians, archivists, studio managers, facilitators, art administrators, and more – and enables an open conversation and a place for debate.  VAWF is an independent, not-for-profit and non-funded initiative that works nomadically across the arts network.


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