Ruairí Ó Cuív at Ulster University

From September to December 2017, Household partnered with Ulster University to deliver a module focusing on Public Art. This included lectures and practical sessions with BA Fine Art students, and will focused on the area of Sailortown in Belfast, where Household worked closely with a local regeneration group and other communities of interest and place.

As part of the university’s guest lecture series in November 2018, Household invited advisory board member Ruairí Ó Cuív to deliver a lecture on his role in commissioning public art in Dublin.

Ruairí Ó Cuív is Public Art Officer with Dublin City Council since 2008, where he devises and implements the City’s first Public Art Programme. As an independent curator and arts consultant, he co-curated the public art commissions for An Post GPO 1916 centenary with Valarie Connor and for Terminal 2, Dublin Airport with Clíodhna Shaffrey in 2010. Previous public art curation includes the programme for Kerry County Council 2003-2008, Health Services Executive, Department of Education and Letterkenny Institute of Technology. Previously he was director of Temple Bar Gallery and Studios (1991-96), curator of exhibitions at the Douglas Hyde Gallery (1989-91) and Royal Hospital Kilmainham (1987-89). In 1982 he co-founded Ireland’s first professional art installation and transport company. He began his career as a History of Art lecturer and also as an archaeologist. His writing has been widely published.

Image: Cliona Harmey, ‘Dublin Ships’, 2015, a temporary artwork commissioned by Dublin City Council as part of the Dublin City Public Art Programme – Strand 2 – Interaction with the City.


StreetSpace 2019


Being In Public – Encounters | Outside Place / Inner Space International Symposium panel discussions