UPHOLD Launch: Residency at Flax

In Spring 2022, Household took up residence in Flax Art Project Space for the first public presentation of the UPHOLD platform. Household extended the invitation to funders, stakeholders, and partners to discuss plans for the platform and potential future collaborations.

We offered art consultancy and commissioning services and also demonstrated how we commission UPHOLD Editions, where we support artists to create new limited edition artworks to sell. We presentation some of the work by the artists on the UPHOLD platform who have strong, engaging and evolving practices with a history of exhibiting locally, nationally and internationally.  Artists include Turner Prize 2021 winning collective, Array Studios, Artist in Residence at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Jan McCullough, Eva International Platform Commission artist Phillip McCrilly and much more.

Whether you’re looking to expand your own personal collection or working to invigorate the interior of any space, buying from UPHOLD is a unique opportunity to bring original works by renowned artists into your  space. As a not-for-profit enterprise, when you buy art from us, you are directly investing in the artist and supporting the art ecology of Northern Ireland. 
— UPHOLD Team, 2022

UPHOLD: New Collections


UPHOLD: Online Platform Launch