Contemporary Public Art in the Urban Landscape seminar at Tate

In 2020, Household was invited to present at the Contemporary Public Art in the Urban Landscape seminar, led by the Contemporary Art Society and Tate.

The seminar, hosted in London at Tate on 7 February 2020, explored the different aspects of contemporary art in the public and urban landscape

The day centered around discussions on public art and urban regeneration, questioning whether projects are led by a commitment to the community or whether they present corporate decoy strategies.

‘The Street’ as a programmable space will be explored and how this has manifested in post-conflict society. Considering the audiences for such initiatives and how success is measured will also provide an opportunity to think about how models can be adapted and developed for future projects.

This seminar united two Subject Specialist Networks: the SSN for British Art led by Tate and the Paul Mellon Centre for British Art and the SSN for Contemporary Art led by the Contemporary Art Society.

Household provided an insight into our work in Sailortown and that of our partners, Sailortown Regeneration, and screened a selection of footage taken by Sol Archer during his multi-annual Sailortown residency. We were joined by Belfast based organisation Starling Start and reunited with artist, academic and writer Daniel Jewesbury to discuss public art production in NI.

The day’s sessions also included a range of presentations and case studies by speakers from across the UK such as Kirsten Dunne, Claire Doherty, Shani Ali, Georgina Bolton, Sophie Hope, Cara Courage and Sophia Hao.

Image: Mark Wallinger The World Turned Upside Down 2019. © Damian Griffiths


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