The Imagined City was a year-long public programme of talks and events curated by Household in 2016 that considered the role of art and artists in urban environments.

As part of Belfast City Council’s City as a Gallery initiative, in partnership with PLACE (Planning Landscape Architecture Community Environment), Household invited artists Paddy Bloomer, Charlotte Bosanquet, Colin Darke, and Aideen Doran and researcher James Houston to imagine public artworks tracing a route from West to East Belfast on The Imagined City bus tour.

Living & Working Economies: Artists in the City was an afternoon of talks by Kamiel Vershuren, artist and founder of the NAC Foundationand Jon Wakeman, director of East Street Arts, at the artist-led space Lawrence Street Workshops. Together with our invited speakers and audience, we examined how artists can establish new ecologies for living and working in cities by looking at relationships between space, geography and urban renewal.

International to Local: UK Case Studies considered radical artistic, curatorial and institutional approaches to working internationally but remaining embedded locally. Presented at the Ormeau Park Bowling Green in South Belfast, the talks programme included contributions from Alistair Hudson, Director of Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, and Sarah McCrory, Director of Glasgow International and a Q&A.

Household and other members of the art sector joined Claire Doherty, Director of Situations – the Bristol-based organisation dedicated to commissioning and producing imaginative new forms of public art – for Behind the Scenes: Commissioning Public Art, a Public Art Masterclass and public conversation at the Duncairn Arts Centre in North Belfast.

The Imagined City was delivered in partnership with Belfast City Council. The research and findings resulting from this programme were incorporated into a report that included sector-specific recommendations.

The Imagined City

For The Imagined City Bus Tour, Household invited artists Paddy Bloomer, Charlotte Bosanquet, Colin Darke, and Aideen Doran to imagine four artworks tracing a route from West to East Belfast.

Working with researcher James Houston, this project took as its starting point the absence of any public transport link connecting these two sides of the city. The participating artists created four speculative audio works investigating the possibilities and impossibilities of this journey. The audio was played to an audience on a bus following the route mapped by the four artists in their works. The Imagined City bus tour positions the artist as navigator and proposes new ways to explore Belfast.

The audio tours can be found below.

Colin Darke: An Culturlann to the Falls Road murals

Paddy Bloomer: The Falls Road Murals to Castle Street

Aideen Doran: Wellington Place to Templemore Avenue

Charlotte Bosanquet: Templemore Avenue to Sydenham train station

The Imagined City and City as a Gallery is funded by Belfast City Council. Special thanks to James Heuston, Ricki O’Rawe,Bronagh McCrudden, Elodie Fabre and PLACE. Programme design by Tom Hughes. Images by Simon Mills.


The Arbor


Out in the Open