The production of daily life was a three-year project designed and delivered by Sol Archer, the first artist invited to participate in Household’s long-term artist-in-residence programmes in city neighbourhoods. 

Between 2018 and 2021, at the invitation of Household, Sol Archer spent time and engaged with groups intersecting, identifying, or operating in Sailortown and the surrounding area: elderly former residents, new migrant communities, local grassroots organisations, and children and young people living in local social housing. The production of daily life positions the neighbourhood as a microcosm where histories are memorialised and (re-)enacted; the forces of regeneration and speculation are at play and can be playfully examined, and community and communities are formed and (re-)imagined. 

This three-year embedded residency programme included workshops, public events and screenings, the creation of a participatory Haunted House experience, the documentation of oral histories, and an exhibition, and associated public programme of interviews and discussions, including a custom designed online platform. Related content and events can be found below.

Sol Archer is a Netherlands-based artist who works through long-term collaborations with professional and non-professional groups and mixed communities of interest and place. He considers the encounter as a space of production and uses video as an apparatus for creating collective experiences and new work. He is interested in developing strategies for creating agency and auto-representation within groups, and platforming and supporting groups who see community building as acts of resistance.

The production of daily life - Sol Archer




To Make a Monument - Jan McCullough

