Right to the Night is a project developed by artist Aisling O’Beirn that engages people and local authority in a series of activities building awareness and activism around light pollution and rights to the night sky in Belfast.

In 2023, Aisling’s project included researching existing city lighting strategies and undertaking an artistic audit through mapping, documenting, and gathering evidence around North Belfast together with communities of interest and place and expert contributors. This work was commissioned through a Belfast City Council funded Community Takeover and included screenings, night time walks, and meetings about adjusting the Belfast Castle current lighting levels in North Belfast.

In 2024, together with Household, local residents, experts and in collaboration with Belfast City Council, Aisling has set up an Advocacy group, will hold a series of workshops, and stage a neighbourhood intervention that will address the lighting of – and introduce objects made by Aisling and the participants in her project to – a North Belfast park.

Right to the Night invites citizens from across the city to think about the night sky, the impacts of light pollution and the importance of darkness in a new way through a series of short term events that activate the Waterworks Park at night time.

The project aims to reduce light pollution in the city at a local level through liaising with property owners/managers to temporarily temper, reduce or remove light emitting objects (lights, signage) from their buildings. Establishing a Dark Skies Advocacy group that includes BCC representatives and setting up a local ‘Dark Sky chapter’ allows the research that is generated through activities in the project to adhere to best practice and filter into council and reach other relevant decision makers.

Partnering with other individuals such as artists, creatives, experts, scientists, astronomers, etc. and organisations like Wild Belfast, educational institutions, art organisations and festivals such as the Belfast Science Festival, helps us to deliver our activities and maximise the visibility of the project.

Right to the Night - Aisling O’Beirn


Creative Commissions Belfast 2024


Community Takeovers